
Alarm Utils

class CommonAlarmUtils

Bases: sims4communitylib.logging.has_class_log.HasClassLog

Utilities for manipulating alarms.

classmethod cancel_alarm(alarm_handle)

Cancel an alarm so that it will no longer occur.

Parameters:alarm_handle (CommonAlarmHandle) – The handle of the alarm to cancel.
Returns:True, if the alarm was cancelled successfully. False, if not.
Return type:bool
classmethod get_log_identifier()

A string identifier for the log of the class.


This is the text that will appear when logging messages.

Returns:The identifier for the log
Return type:str
classmethod get_mod_identity()

Retrieve the identity of the mod that owns the class.


Override this function with the CommonModIdentity of your mod.

This is a MUST override to allow for proper Exception Handling and Logging!

Returns:An instance of CommonModIdentity
Return type:CommonModIdentity
Raises:NotImplementedError – Thrown when the function is not implemented.
classmethod schedule_alarm(alarm_owner, time_until_next_occurrence, callback, should_repeat=False, time_until_repeat=None, accurate_repeat=True, persist_across_zone_loads=False, timeline=None)

Schedule an alarm that will trigger a callback after a set amount of time.

  • alarm_owner (Any) – The owner of the alarm.
  • time_until_first_occurrence (TimeSpan) – The time until the alarm triggers.
  • on_alarm_triggered_callback (Callable[['CommonAlarmHandle'], None]) – When the alarm is triggered at the specified time, this callback will be invoked with the alarm handle.
  • should_repeat (bool, optional) – If True, the alarm will repeat on the specified interval. If False, the alarm will only trigger once. Default is False.
  • time_until_repeat (TimeSpan, optional) – The amount of time that must pass before the alarm will trigger again. This only comes into play after being triggered once. Default is None.
  • accurate_repeat (bool, optional) – Whether or not the initial time should be based on the now time or the future time. Default is the Now time.
  • persist_across_zone_loads (bool, optional) – If True, the alarm will persist when loading a new zone. If False, the alarm will be canceled upon changing zones. Default is False.
  • timeline (Timeline, optional) – The timeline to use when determining the alarm trigger time as well as the initial time of the alarm. Default is Sim Timeline.

The created alarm handle or None if the Time service is not currently available or a problem occurs.

Return type:

Union[CommonAlarmHandle, None]

classmethod schedule_daily_alarm(alarm_owner, hour, minute, on_alarm_triggered, persist_across_zone_loads=False)

Schedule an alarm that will repeat once a day, every day.

  • alarm_owner (Any) – The owner of the alarm.
  • hour (int) – The hour of the day to trigger the alarm at.
  • minute (int) – The minute of the hour to trigger the alarm at.
  • on_alarm_triggered (Callable[[CommonAlarmHandle], None]) – A callback invoked when the alarm is triggered.
  • persist_across_zone_loads (bool, optional) – If True, the alarm will persist when loading a new zone. If False, the alarm will be canceled upon changing zones. Default is False.

The scheduled alarm or None if a problem occurs.

Return type:


Real Date Utils

class CommonRealDateUtils

Bases: object

A utility for managing real life date and time.


This utility is used to handle the Real Time and not the Game Time.

static get_current_date_string()

Retrieve the current date as a pre-formatted string.

Returns:The string representation of the current real date.
Return type:str
static get_current_date_time()

Retrieve the current date and time.

Returns:The current real date and time.
Return type:datetime

Time Utils

class CommonTimeUtils

Bases: object

Utilities for handling the in-game Time, also known as Sim Time.

static advance_current_time(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0)

Advance the current time by the specified amounts.

  • hours (int, optional) – The number of hours to advance.
  • minutes (int, optional) – The number of minutes to advance.
  • seconds (int, optional) – The number of seconds to advance.
static convert_milliseconds_to_seconds(milliseconds)

Convert Milliseconds to Seconds.

Parameters:milliseconds (float) – The value to convert.
Returns:The converted value in seconds.
Return type:float
static convert_seconds_to_milliseconds(milliseconds)

Convert Seconds to Milliseconds.

Parameters:seconds (float) – The value to convert.
Returns:The converted value in milliseconds.
Return type:float
static create_date_and_time(minutes=0, hours=0, days=0)

Create a date and time that takes place a number of Sim minutes, hours, or days in the future.

  • minutes (int, optional) – A number of Sim minutes in the future the date and time will be set at. Default is 0 Sim minutes.
  • hours (int, optional) – A number of Sim hours in the future the date and time will be set at. Default is 0 Sim hours.
  • days (int, optional) – A number of Sim days in the future the date and time will be set at. Default is 0 Sim days.

A date and time that will occur a number of Sim minutes, hours, or days in the future.

Return type:


static create_interval_from_sim_hours(hours)

Create a time span interval that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim hours in the future.

Parameters:hours (int) – A number of Sim hours in the future the time span will indicate.
Returns:A time span that will occur a number of Sim hours in the future.
Return type:TimeSpan
static create_interval_from_sim_minutes(minutes)

Create a time span interval that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim minutes in the future.

Parameters:minutes (int) – A number of Sim minutes in the future the time span will indicate.
Returns:A time span that will occur a number of Sim minutes in the future.
Return type:TimeSpan
static create_interval_from_sim_seconds(seconds)

Create a time span interval that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim seconds in the future.

Parameters:seconds (int) – A number of Sim seconds in the future the time span will indicate.
Returns:A time span that will occur a number of Sim seconds in the future.
Return type:TimeSpan
static create_time_span(minutes=0, hours=0, days=0)

Create a time span that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim minutes, hours, or days in the future.

  • minutes (int, optional) – A number of Sim minutes in the future the time span will indicate. Default is 0 Sim minutes.
  • hours (int, optional) – A number of Sim hours in the future the time span will indicate. Default is 0 Sim hours.
  • days (int, optional) – A number of Sim days in the future the time span will indicate. Default is 0 Sim days.

A time span that will occur a number of Sim minutes, hours, or days in the future.

Return type:


static game_is_paused()

Determine if the game is paused.

Returns:True, if the game is paused. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static game_is_running_at_speed(clock_speed)

Determine if the game is running at the specified speed.

Parameters:clock_speed (ClockSpeedMode) – The speed to change the game time to.
Returns:True, if the game is running at the specified speed. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static get_clock_speed()

Retrieve the current clock speed.

Returns:The current speed of the game clock.
Return type:ClockSpeedMode
static get_clock_speed_scale()

Retrieve the current clock speed multiplier.

Returns:The current speed multiplier of the game clock.
Return type:ClockSpeedMultiplierType
static get_current_date_and_time()

Retrieve the current date and time.

Returns:The current date and time.
Return type:DateAndTime
static get_current_day(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current Sim day of the month.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current Sim day of the month.
Return type:int
static get_current_hour(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current Sim hour of the day in military time.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current Sim hour of the day in military time.
Return type:int
static get_current_minute(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current Sim minute of the hour.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current Sim minute of the hour.
Return type:int
static get_current_second(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current Sim second of the minute.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current Sim second of the minute.
Return type:int
static get_current_week(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current Sim week of the month.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current Sim week of the month.
Return type:int
static get_day_of_week(date_and_time)

Retrieve the current day of the week.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The current day of the week. 0-6
Return type:int
static get_game_clock()

Get an instance of the GameClock.

Returns:An instance of the game clock.
Return type:GameClock
static get_time_service()

Get an instance of the TimeService.

Returns:An instance of the Time Service.
Return type:TimeService
static get_total_days(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim days since the start of the season.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim days since the start of the season.
Return type:int
static get_total_hours(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim hours since the start of the day in military time.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim hours since the start of the day in military time.
Return type:int
static get_total_minutes(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim minutes since the start of the day.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim minutes since the start of the day.
Return type:int
static get_total_seconds(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim seconds since the start of the day.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim seconds since the start of the day.
Return type:int
static get_total_ticks(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim ticks since the start of the day.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim ticks in milliseconds since the start of the day.
Return type:int
static get_total_weeks(date_and_time)

Retrieve the total Sim weeks since the start of the season.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – The date and time to retrieve the value from. If not specified, the current date and time will be used. Default is None.
Returns:The total number of Sim weeks since the start of the season.
Return type:int
static interval_in_sim_days(days)

Create a time span interval that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim days in the future.

Parameters:days (int) – A number of Sim days in the future the time span will indicate.
Returns:A time span that will occur a number of Sim days in the future.
Return type:TimeSpan
static interval_in_sim_weeks(weeks)

Create a time span interval that spans from the current Sim time to a number of Sim weeks in the future.

Parameters:weeks (int) – A number of Sim weeks in the future the time span will indicate.
Returns:A time span that will occur a number of Sim weeks in the future.
Return type:TimeSpan
static is_day_time(date_and_time=None)

Determine if it is currently Day Time.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – A date and time to check. If not specified, the current time will be used instead. Default is unspecified.
Returns:True, if it is day time. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static is_night_time(date_and_time=None)

Determine if it is currently Night Time.

Parameters:date_and_time (DateAndTime, optional) – A date and time to check. If not specified, the current time will be used instead. Default is unspecified.
Returns:True, if it is night time. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static is_sun_out()

Determine if the Sun is currently out.

Returns:True, if the sun is out. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static pause_the_game()

Pause the game.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_clock_speed(clock_speed)

Set the clock speed.

Parameters:clock_speed (ClockSpeedMode) – The speed to set the game clock to.
Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_current_time(hours, minutes, seconds)

Set the current time.

  • hours (int) – The hour of the day to set the time to.
  • minutes (int) – The minute of the hour to set the time to.
  • seconds (int) – The second of the minute to set the time to.
static set_game_speed_normal()

Change the speed of the game clock to Normal speed.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_game_speed_to_interaction_startup_speed()

Change the speed of the game clock to Interaction Startup Speed.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_game_speed_to_speed_three()

Change the speed of the game clock to Speed Three.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_game_speed_to_speed_two()

Change the speed of the game clock to Speed Two.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool
static set_game_speed_to_super_speed_three()

Change the speed of the game clock to Super Speed Three.

Returns:True, if successful. False, if not.
Return type:bool