Math Classes


Many of these classes wrap the vanilla Sims 4 classes to provide insight into the properties and functions of them.

Comparison (Equal To)

class CommonComparisonEqualTo

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_comparison.CommonComparison

Check if A is equal to B.

compare(value_a: Any, value_b: Any) → bool

Compare two values.

Comparison (Greater Than)

class CommonComparisonGreaterThan

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_comparison.CommonComparison

Check if A is greater than B.

compare(value_a: Any, value_b: Any) → bool

Compare two values.

Comparison (Less Than)

class CommonComparisonLessThan

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_comparison.CommonComparison

Check if A is less than B.

compare(value_a: Any, value_b: Any) → bool

Compare two values.

Comparison (Greater Than Or Equal To)

class CommonComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_comparison.CommonComparison

Check if A is greater than or equal to B.

compare(value_a: Any, value_b: Any) → bool

Compare two values.

Comparison (Less Than Or Equal To)

class CommonComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_comparison.CommonComparison

Check if A is less than or equal to B.

compare(value_a: Any, value_b: Any) → bool

Compare two values.


class CommonLocation(transform: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_transform.CommonTransform, routing_surface: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_surface_identifier.CommonSurfaceIdentifier, parent_ref: Any = None, joint_name_or_hash: Any = None, slot_hash: int = 0)

Bases: object

A class that contains locational data.

static empty()

Create an empty location.

Returns:An empty location.
Return type:CommonLocation
static from_location(location)

Convert a vanilla Location object into a CommonLocation.

Parameters:location (Union[Location, CommonLocation]) – An instance of a Location.
Returns:An instance of a CommonLocation or None if the object failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonLocation, None]

The name or hash identifier of the joint the location is located at.

Returns:The name or hash identifier of the joint the location is located at.
Return type:Union[str, int]

The parent reference of the location.

Returns:The parent reference of the location.
Return type:Any

The routing surface the location is located on.

Returns:The routing surface the location is located on.
Return type:CommonSurfaceIdentifier

The hash identifier of the Slot the location is located at.

Returns:The hash identifier of the Slot the location is located at.
Return type:int

The translation and orientation of the location.

Returns:The translation and orientation of the location.
Return type:CommonTransform

Routing Location

class CommonRoutingLocation(position, orientation=None, routing_surface=None)

Bases: object

A Location used for routing.

  • position (CommonVector3) – The position of the location.
  • orientation (CommonQuaternion, optional) – The orientation of the location. Default is None.
  • routing_surface (CommonSurfaceIdentifier, optional) – The routing surface of the location. Default is None.
static empty()

Create an empty location.

Returns:An empty location.
Return type:CommonRoutingLocation
static from_location(location)

Convert a vanilla Location object into a CommonRoutingLocation.

Parameters:location (Union[routing.Location, sims4.math.Location, CommonLocation, CommonRoutingLocation]) – An instance of a Location.
Returns:An instance of a CommonRoutingLocation or None if the object failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonRoutingLocation, None]

Retrieve the Location as a world surface location.

Returns:A world surface location.
Return type:CommonRoutingLocation

The orientation of the location.

Returns:The orientation of the Location.
Return type:CommonQuaternion

The translation and orientation of the location.

Returns:The translation and orientation of the location.
Return type:CommonTransform

The routing surface the location is located on.

Returns:The routing surface the location is located on.
Return type:CommonSurfaceIdentifier


class CommonPolygon(polygon_vertices: Tuple[sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_vector3.CommonVector3])

Bases: object

A class that contains polygonal data.

static empty()

Create an empty Polygon.

Returns:An empty Polygon.
Return type:CommonPolygon
static from_polygon(polygon)

Convert a vanilla Polygon object into a CommonPolygon.

Parameters:polygon (Union[Polygon, CommonPolygon]) – An instance of a Polygon
Returns:An instance of a CommonPolygon or None if the object failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonLocation, None]


class CommonQuaternion(x: float, y: float, z: float, w: Any)

Bases: object

A class that contains orientation data.

static empty()

Create an empty quaternion.

Returns:An empty quaternion.
Return type:CommonQuaternion
static from_degrees(degrees)

Convert an angle in degrees into a CommonQuaternion.

Parameters:degrees (float) – An angle in degrees
Returns:An instance of a CommonQuaternion.
Return type:CommonQuaternion
static from_quaternion(quaternion)

Convert a Quaternion into a CommonQuaternion.

Parameters:quaternion (Union[Quaternion, MathPb2Quaternion, CommonQuaternion]) – An instance of a Quaternion.
Returns:An instance of a CommonQuaternion or None if the object failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonQuaternion, None]
static from_radian(radian)

Convert a radian value into a CommonQuaternion.

Parameters:radian (float) – An angle in radians
Returns:An instance of a CommonQuaternion.
Return type:CommonQuaternion
static to_degrees(quaternion)

Convert a Quaternion into degrees.

Parameters:quaternion (Union[Quaternion, MathPb2Quaternion, CommonQuaternion]) – An instance of a Quaternion.
Returns:The quaternion represented in degrees.
Return type:float
static to_radian(quaternion)

Convert a Quaternion into radians.

Parameters:quaternion (Union[Quaternion, MathPb2Quaternion, CommonQuaternion]) – An instance of a Quaternion.
Returns:The quaternion represented in radians.
Return type:float
transform_vector(vector: CommonVector3) → CommonVector3

The rotation.

Returns:The rotation.
Return type:Any

The x position.

Returns:The x position.
Return type:float

The y position.

Returns:The y position.
Return type:float

The z position.

Returns:The z position.
Return type:float

Range (Float)

class CommonFloatRange(min_value=None, max_value=None)

Bases: object

A range with a minimum and maximum for use in calculations.

  • min_value (float, optional) – The minimum threshold. Set to None if there is no minimum. Default is None.
  • max_value (float, optional) – The maximum threshold. Set to None if there is no maximum. Default is None.
in_range(value, or_equal=True)

If a Minimum and Maximum value are specified, determine if the specified value is between or equal to the Minimum and Maximum values. If a Maximum value is not specified, determine if the specified value is greater than or equal to the Minimum value. If a Minimum value is not specified, determine if the specified value is less than or equal to the Maximum value.

  • value (float) – The value to check.
  • or_equal (bool, optional) – If True, the value may equal the minimum or maximum values to pass. Default is True.

True, if the value is within range of the Minimum and Maximum values. False, it not.

Return type:



The maximum threshold of this range.

Returns:The maximum threshold of this range.
Return type:Union[float, None]

The minimum threshold of this range.

Returns:The minimum threshold of this range.
Return type:Union[float, None]

Range (Integer)

class CommonIntegerRange(min_value=None, max_value=None)

Bases: object

A range with a minimum and maximum for use in calculations.

  • min_value (int, optional) – The minimum threshold. Set to None if there is no minimum. Default is None.
  • max_value (int, optional) – The maximum threshold. Set to None if there is no maximum. Default is None.
in_range(value, or_equal=True)

If a Minimum and Maximum value are specified, determine if the specified value is between or equal to the Minimum and Maximum values. If a Maximum value is not specified, determine if the specified value is greater than or equal to the Minimum value. If a Minimum value is not specified, determine if the specified value is less than or equal to the Maximum value.

  • value (int) – The value to check.
  • or_equal (bool, optional) – If True, the value may equal the minimum or maximum values to pass. Default is True.

True, if the value is within range of the Minimum and Maximum values. False, it not.

Return type:



The maximum threshold of this range.

Returns:The maximum threshold of this range.
Return type:Union[int, None]

The minimum threshold of this range.

Returns:The minimum threshold of this range.
Return type:Union[int, None]

Surface Identifier

class CommonSurfaceIdentifier(primary_id: int, secondary_id: int = None, surface_type: <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7fcd29ce87d0> = <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)

Bases: object

A class that contains surface data.

static empty(secondary_id=0)

Create an empty surface identifier for the current zone.

Parameters:secondary_id (int, optional) – The secondary id to give to the surface identifier. Default is 0.
Returns:An empty surface identifier.
Return type:CommonSurfaceIdentifier
static from_surface_identifier(surface_identifier)

Convert a SurfaceIdentifier into a CommonSurfaceIdentifier.

Parameters:surface_identifier (Union[SurfaceIdentifier, CommonSurfaceIdentifier]) – An instance of a surface identifier.
Returns:An instance of a CommonSurfaceIdentifier or None if it failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonSurfaceIdentifier, None]

The primary identifier for the surface. This value is usually the identifier of a Zone.

Returns:The primary identifier.
Return type:int

The secondary identifier for the surface. This value is usually the level at which the surface is.

Returns:The secondary identifier.
Return type:Union[int, None]

The type of surface.

Returns:The type of surface.
Return type:Union[SurfaceType, None]

Weighted Value

class CommonWeightedValue(value: float = 0.0, weight: float = 1.0)

Bases: object

A value with a weight. To be used in conjunction with other CommonWeightedValueTally.

static create_empty() → sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_weighted_value.CommonWeightedValue

Create an empty CommonWeightedValue.

has_value() → bool

Determine if this weighted value has a value.

has_weight() → bool

Determine if this weighted value has a weight.


The value.


The weight.

Weighted Value Tally

class CommonWeightedValueTally

Bases: object

A tally that keeps track of weighted values.

add_value(common_weighted_value: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_weighted_value.CommonWeightedValue)

Add to the tally.

get_total_value() → float

Tally up all weighted values and calculate the total.


class CommonTransform(translation: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_vector3.CommonVector3, orientation: sims4communitylib.classes.math.common_quaternion.CommonQuaternion)

Bases: object

A class that contains transformational data.

static empty()

Create an empty transform.

Returns:An empty transform.
Return type:CommonTransform
static from_transform(transform)

Convert a Transform into a CommonTransform.

Parameters:transform (Union[Transform, MathPb2Transform, CommonTransform]) – An instance of a transform.
Returns:An instance of a CommonTransform or None if it failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonTransform, None]

The orientation.

Returns:The orientation.
Return type:CommonQuaternion

The translation.

Returns:The translation.
Return type:CommonVector3


class CommonVector3(x: float, y: float, z: float)

Bases: object

A class that contains positional data with three coordinates.

static distance_between(position_one, position_two)

Calculate the distance between two vectors.


The distance between the two specified vectors.

Return type:


static empty()

Create an empty vector.

Returns:An empty vector.
Return type:CommonVector3
static flatten(vector)

Flatten a Vector.

Parameters:vector (Union[Vector3, Vector3Immutable, MathPb2Vector3, CommonVector3]) – An instance of a vector.
Returns:An instance of a flattened CommonVector3.
Return type:CommonVector3
static from_vector3(vector)

Convert a Vector into a CommonVector3.

Parameters:vector (Union[Vector3, Vector3Immutable, MathPb2Vector3, CommonVector3]) – An instance of a vector.
Returns:An instance of a CommonVector3 or None if it failed to convert.
Return type:Union[CommonVector3, None]
magnitude_squared() → float
static normalize(vector)

Normalize a Vector.

Parameters:vector (Union[Vector3, Vector3Immutable, MathPb2Vector3, CommonVector3]) – An instance of a vector.
Returns:An instance of a normalized CommonVector3.
Return type:float

The x position.

Returns:The x position.
Return type:float

The y position.

Returns:The y position.
Return type:float

The z position.

Returns:The z position.
Return type:float