Interaction Event Types

Interaction Outcome Event

class S4CLInteractionOutcomeEvent(interaction, outcome, outcome_result)


An event that occurs after a Sim has performed an interaction.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionOutcomeEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True from here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that was performed.
  • outcome (InteractionOutcome) – The outcome of the interaction that was performed.
  • outcome_result (OutcomeResult) – The result of the interaction that was performed.

The interaction that was performed.

Returns:The interaction that was performed.
Return type:Interaction
is_failure() → bool

Determine if the outcome was a failure.

Returns:True, if the interaction was not performed successfully. False, if the interaction was performed successfully.
Return type:bool
is_success() → bool

Determine if the outcome was a success.

Returns:True, if the interaction was performed successfully. False, if the interaction was not performed successfully.
Return type:bool

The outcome of the interaction that was performed.

Returns:The outcome of the interaction that was performed.
Return type:InteractionOutcome

The result of the interaction that was performed.

Returns:The result of the interaction that was performed.
Return type:OutcomeResult

Interaction Queued Event

class S4CLInteractionQueuedEvent(interaction, interaction_queue)


An event that occurs upon a Sim adding an interaction to their interaction queue.


This event fires BEFORE the interaction is actually queued. Like a Pre-Queue. If False or None is returned from any of the listeners of this event, the interaction will be prevented from queuing; All subsequent listeners will still receive the event, but their return will be ignored.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionQueuedEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True here to allow the interaction to queue and to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to prevent the interaction from being queued or to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that is being queued.
  • interaction_queue (InteractionQueue) – The interaction queue of the Sim.

The interaction that is being queued.

Returns:The interaction that was queued.
Return type:Interaction

The interaction queue of the Sim that is queuing the interaction.

Returns:The interaction queue of the Sim that is queuing the interaction.
Return type:InteractionQueue

The Sim that is putting the interaction into their queue.


The SimInfo of the Sim that is putting the interaction into their queue.

Interaction Post Queued Event

class S4CLInteractionPostQueuedEvent(interaction, interaction_queue, queue_result)


An event that occurs after a Sim adds an interaction to their interaction queue.


This event fires AFTER the interaction is actually queued. Like a Post-Queue.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionPostQueuedEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that was queued.
  • interaction_queue (InteractionQueue) – The interaction queue of the Sim.
  • queue_result (CommonTestResult) – The result of the interaction being Queued.

The interaction that was queued.

Returns:The interaction that was queued.
Return type:Interaction

The interaction queue of the Sim that queued the interaction.

Returns:The interaction queue of the Sim that queued the interaction.
Return type:InteractionQueue

The result of the interaction being Queued.

Returns:The result of the interaction being Queued.
Return type:CommonTestResult

Interaction Started Event

class S4CLInteractionStartedEvent(interaction, sim_info, target)


An event that occurs when a Sim has started an interaction.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionStartedEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that was run.
  • sim_info (SimInfo) – The Sim doing the interaction.
  • target (Any) – The Target of the interaction.

The interaction that was run.

Returns:The interaction that was run.
Return type:Interaction

The Sim that started the interaction.


The target of the interaction.

Interaction Pre Run Event

class S4CLInteractionPreRunEvent(interaction, interaction_queue, timeline)


An event that occurs upon a Sim running an interaction.


This event fires BEFORE the interaction is actually run. Like a Pre-Run. If False or None is returned from any of the listeners of this event, the interaction will be prevented from running; All subsequent listeners will still receive the event, but their return will be ignored.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionPreRunEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True here to allow the interaction to run and to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to prevent the interaction from being run or to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that is being run.
  • interaction_queue (InteractionQueue) – The interaction queue of the Sim.
  • timeline (Timeline) – The timeline of the interaction.

The interaction that is being run.

Returns:The interaction that is being run.
Return type:Interaction

The interaction queue of the Sim that is running the interaction.

Returns:The interaction queue of the Sim that is running the interaction.
Return type:InteractionQueue

The timeline of the interaction.

Returns:The timeline of the interaction.
Return type:Timeline

Interaction Run Event

class S4CLInteractionRunEvent(interaction, interaction_queue, run_result)


An event that occurs after a Sim has run an interaction.


This event fires AFTER the interaction is actually run. Like a Post-Run. If False or None is returned from any of the listeners of this event, the interaction will be prevented from running; All subsequent listeners will still receive the event, but their return will be ignored.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionRunEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that was run.
  • interaction_queue (InteractionQueue) – The interaction queue of the Sim.
  • run_result (bool) – The result of the interaction being run.

The interaction that was run.

Returns:The interaction that was run.
Return type:Interaction

The interaction queue of the Sim that ran the interaction.

Returns:The interaction queue of the Sim ran the interaction.
Return type:InteractionQueue

The result of the interaction being run.

Returns:True, if the interaction was run successfully. False, if not.
Return type:bool

Interaction Cancelled Event

class S4CLInteractionCancelledEvent(interaction, finishing_type, cancel_reason, ignore_must_run=False, **kwargs)


An event that occurs upon an interaction being cancelled.


This event fires BEFORE the interaction is actually cancelled. Like a Pre-Cancel.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLInteractionCancelledEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True from here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run successfully.
        return True
  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that is being cancelled.
  • finishing_type (FinishingType) – The finishing type of the interaction.
  • cancel_reason_msg (str) – The reason the interaction was cancelled.
  • ignore_must_run (bool, optional) – If True, interactions flagged as “Must Run” will be ignored. Default is False.

The reason the interaction was cancelled.

Returns:The reason the interaction was cancelled.
Return type:str

The finishing type of the interaction.

Returns:The finishing type of the interaction.
Return type:FinishingType

Whether or not interactions flagged as “Must Run” will be cancelled.

Returns:If True, interactions flagged as “Must Run” will be cancelled. If False, interactions flagged as “Must Run” will not be cancelled.
Return type:bool

The interaction that is being cancelled.

Returns:The interaction that is being cancelled.
Return type:Interaction

Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.

Returns:Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.
Return type:Dict[str, Any]

Super Interaction Cancelled Event

class S4CLSuperInteractionCancelledEvent(interaction, finishing_type, cancel_reason_msg, **kwargs)


An event that occurs upon a super interaction being cancelled.


This event fires BEFORE the super interaction is actually cancelled. Like a Pre-Cancel.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLSuperInteractionCancelledEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True from here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run successfully.
        return True
  • interaction (SuperInteraction) – The super interaction that is being cancelled.
  • finishing_type (FinishingType) – The finishing type of the interaction.
  • cancel_reason_msg (str) – The reason the interaction was cancelled.

The reason the interaction was cancelled.

Returns:The reason the interaction was cancelled.
Return type:str

The finishing type of the interaction.

Returns:The finishing type of the interaction.
Return type:FinishingType

The super interaction that is being cancelled.

Returns:The super interaction that is being cancelled.
Return type:SuperInteraction

Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.

Returns:Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.
Return type:Dict[str, Any]

Mixer Interaction Cancelled Event

class S4CLMixerInteractionCancelledEvent(interaction, finishing_type, cancel_reason_msg, **kwargs)


An event that occurs upon a mixer interaction being cancelled.


This event fires BEFORE the mixer interaction is actually cancelled. Like a Pre-Cancel.

Example usage:
from import CommonEventRegistry
from sims4communitylib.modinfo import ModInfo

class ExampleEventListener:

    # In order to listen to an event, your function must match these criteria:
    # - The function is static (staticmethod).
    # - The first and only required argument has the name "event_data".
    # - The first and only required argument has the Type Hint for the event you are listening for.
    # - The argument passed to "handle_events" is the name or identity of your Mod.
    def handle_event(event_data: S4CLMixerInteractionCancelledEvent) -> bool:
        # Return True from here to signify the event listener ran successfully. Return False or None here to signify the event listener failed to run successfully.
        return True
  • interaction (MixerInteraction) – The mixer interaction that is being cancelled.
  • finishing_type (FinishingType) – The finishing type of the interaction.
  • cancel_reason_msg (str) – The reason the interaction was cancelled.

The reason the interaction was cancelled.

Returns:The reason the interaction was cancelled.
Return type:str

The finishing type of the interaction.

Returns:The finishing type of the interaction.
Return type:FinishingType

The mixer interaction that is being cancelled.

Returns:The mixer interaction that is being cancelled.
Return type:MixerInteraction

Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.

Returns:Keyword arguments sent to the cancelled interaction.
Return type:Dict[str, Any]