Enum Classes

Versioned Enum Value Collection

class CommonVersionedEnumValueCollection(enum_values, version=None)

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.serialization.common_serializable.CommonSerializable, typing.Generic

A collection of enum values with a version.

  • enum_values (Iterator[CommonEnumType]) – A collection of enum values.
  • version (str, optional) – The version of the data. Default is the version of the enum.
classmethod deserialize(data)

Deserialize the object from a JSON Serializable form.

Returns:The deserialized form of the object or None if it fails to deserialize.
Return type:Union[CommonSerializableType, None]

A collection of enum values.

classmethod get_enum_type() → Type[CommonEnumType]

The type of enum.


Serialize the object into a JSON Serializable form.

Returns:A serializable representation of the object.
Return type:Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]

The version of the enum values.

Versioned Sim Demographic Type Collection

class CommonVersionedSimDemographicTypeCollection(demographic_types, version=None)

Bases: sims4communitylib.classes.enums.common_versioned_enum_value_collection.CommonVersionedEnumValueCollection

A collection of demographic types with a version.

  • demographic_types (Iterator[CommonSimDemographicType]) – A collection of demographic types.
  • version (str, optional) – The version of the data. Default is the version of CommonSimDemographicType.

Types of demographics.

classmethod get_enum_type() → Type[sims4communitylib.enums.common_sim_demographic_types.CommonSimDemographicType]

The type of enum.